Sunday, December 4, 2011

Using Feature Jump Break

Sometimes we see "read more" feature on people's page blog
But ever dare to uses it, it makes your page lot nicer and also neater :)

And Here is actually 3 big way you need to make sure to get it done

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Menjual Diri" demi Beasiswa

Tulisan ini saya kopas dari

really inspiring untuk calon pencari beasiswa

JAKARTA, — Saat mendaftar beasiswa, khususnya beasiswa melanjutkan studi di luar negeri, para pendaftar disyaratkan harus menulis statement purpose atau motivation letter berbentuk esai. Wah, apa lagi ini?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Get Married (undangan)

Dengan Nama Allah, Ijinkan kami mengikatkan tali suci pernikahan.
Dan berikut dasar pernikahan kami

Alhamdulillah setelah perjuangan ingin menikah selama 6 bulan, insya allah kami akan melangsungkan pernikahan. Undangan di bawah kami tujukan untuk semua rekan kami (thanks to Iko as a designer). Dan mohon kunjungi untuk juga berbagi pesan pada kami :)

Hidup bermanfaat untuk orang lain

5 September 2011
Jakarta, Sebrang Plaza Semanggi

Hari itu saya masih ingat cerita memulai karir di Perusahaan Kipas Merah.
Sebagai fresh graduate, saya sangat bersemangat untuk mengemban tugas baru.
Setiap hari saya pun belajar sesuatu yang baru, dan pekerjaan saya yang lebih banyak berkutat dengan koordinasi memungkinkan saya untuk beradaptasi lebih cepat.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


When i am taking English 2 subject, my final task is to write magazine. And i remember on how i really love to read any kind of magazine (with sharp picture) and also fresh information on every page.Therefore, i love the ide of writing magazine as the final task for this subject. Me then choosing culinary as the topic because that will be an easy one to do (regarding each of the person love to eat).grant

Monday, December 6, 2010

Different is not a sin

A different world cannot be built by indifferent people-Peter Marshall

I lately feel that my behavior, my way to speak, my dress, my make up, even my thoughts become a big burden for me to socialize with others because I feel it different with others. Most of my friends think that I am very famous, having a lot of friends, or even never find any problems. But I become very silent when I found that something that I want can not easily implement because some best for us might not be good for others. It is just the different perspectives. Lets say that 4 person see a box together from different side, the west will say west is the best, the east will say east is the best, and so on. And in the worst condition, they will end up fighting that their eyes is the best, even by mocking that others do not want to change for better condition. A silly effect caused by understanding of seeing perspective. And it always become habit to see the differences than to accept those.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Friend Really Means

What Friend Really Means ( A little shocking experiment to not lost your friend )

They say a good friend will always be at your side, no matter what, they will support you but really show you when you are wrong and won’t let you fall by your self. A good friend supposed to be there whenever you are sick, down, brokenhearted, feels pathetic, annoyed, alone, bothered, or any unfriendly conditional.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Using Feature Jump Break

Sometimes we see "read more" feature on people's page blog
But ever dare to uses it, it makes your page lot nicer and also neater :)

And Here is actually 3 big way you need to make sure to get it done

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Menjual Diri" demi Beasiswa

Tulisan ini saya kopas dari

really inspiring untuk calon pencari beasiswa

JAKARTA, — Saat mendaftar beasiswa, khususnya beasiswa melanjutkan studi di luar negeri, para pendaftar disyaratkan harus menulis statement purpose atau motivation letter berbentuk esai. Wah, apa lagi ini?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Get Married (undangan)

Dengan Nama Allah, Ijinkan kami mengikatkan tali suci pernikahan.
Dan berikut dasar pernikahan kami

Alhamdulillah setelah perjuangan ingin menikah selama 6 bulan, insya allah kami akan melangsungkan pernikahan. Undangan di bawah kami tujukan untuk semua rekan kami (thanks to Iko as a designer). Dan mohon kunjungi untuk juga berbagi pesan pada kami :)

Hidup bermanfaat untuk orang lain

5 September 2011
Jakarta, Sebrang Plaza Semanggi

Hari itu saya masih ingat cerita memulai karir di Perusahaan Kipas Merah.
Sebagai fresh graduate, saya sangat bersemangat untuk mengemban tugas baru.
Setiap hari saya pun belajar sesuatu yang baru, dan pekerjaan saya yang lebih banyak berkutat dengan koordinasi memungkinkan saya untuk beradaptasi lebih cepat.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


When i am taking English 2 subject, my final task is to write magazine. And i remember on how i really love to read any kind of magazine (with sharp picture) and also fresh information on every page.Therefore, i love the ide of writing magazine as the final task for this subject. Me then choosing culinary as the topic because that will be an easy one to do (regarding each of the person love to eat).grant

Monday, December 6, 2010

Different is not a sin

A different world cannot be built by indifferent people-Peter Marshall

I lately feel that my behavior, my way to speak, my dress, my make up, even my thoughts become a big burden for me to socialize with others because I feel it different with others. Most of my friends think that I am very famous, having a lot of friends, or even never find any problems. But I become very silent when I found that something that I want can not easily implement because some best for us might not be good for others. It is just the different perspectives. Lets say that 4 person see a box together from different side, the west will say west is the best, the east will say east is the best, and so on. And in the worst condition, they will end up fighting that their eyes is the best, even by mocking that others do not want to change for better condition. A silly effect caused by understanding of seeing perspective. And it always become habit to see the differences than to accept those.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Friend Really Means

What Friend Really Means ( A little shocking experiment to not lost your friend )

They say a good friend will always be at your side, no matter what, they will support you but really show you when you are wrong and won’t let you fall by your self. A good friend supposed to be there whenever you are sick, down, brokenhearted, feels pathetic, annoyed, alone, bothered, or any unfriendly conditional.