Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Friend Really Means

What Friend Really Means ( A little shocking experiment to not lost your friend )

They say a good friend will always be at your side, no matter what, they will support you but really show you when you are wrong and won’t let you fall by your self. A good friend supposed to be there whenever you are sick, down, brokenhearted, feels pathetic, annoyed, alone, bothered, or any unfriendly conditional.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Friend Really Means

What Friend Really Means ( A little shocking experiment to not lost your friend )

They say a good friend will always be at your side, no matter what, they will support you but really show you when you are wrong and won’t let you fall by your self. A good friend supposed to be there whenever you are sick, down, brokenhearted, feels pathetic, annoyed, alone, bothered, or any unfriendly conditional.