Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Wednesday

Lagi pengen cerita aja nihhh, soal gimana hidup dan sebagainya..
Nay makin hari makin betah tapi juga makin kangen, kangen dengan orang2 indo yang jauh ramah2 dan rame dimana2, yang paling kangen adalah barang murah, hehhee...
Disini dah ngapain aja ya, kuliah sama aja ga ngertinya, wong di indo pake bahasa ndo aja ga ngerti disini lebih lagi, hahaha...hidup dengan orang diberbagai belahan dunia, memakai 3 bahasa setiap harinya (melayu, indonesia dan inggris) jadi kadang kecampur2 hahahha..
contohnya yang diatas, nemuin kejadian lucu setiap harnya, kaya hari ini aja, nay ngebantu temen nay diatas, shamira dan leila buat register dan isi form, scara mereka dari lahir menulis arab yang dari kanan ke kiri, mereka pun bingun spelling dan tulisan walaupun sangat lancar berbicara bahasa inggris.. kok bsa yah? trus belajar bahasa inggrisnya selama ni pake tulisan apa? mereka banyak cerita yang di arab, baru beberapa tahun belakangan aja ada yang namanya rights for women to have jobs and also driving lisence, isn't that amazing..kebayang dengan indonesia yang bahkan wanita pun bisa jadi tukang becak, tukang tambal ban (yang nota bene kerjaan laki2) di arab ke mall aja ga boleh untuk wanita sendirian, wuihhh, ga ada acara shopping untuk menghilangkan penat dunk. Trus katanya restorannya pun, selalu dipisah, macam laki duduk di ruang mereka ada punya, perempuannya pun macem tu, begitu pula dengan keluarga..duh ribettt...
Ternyata dari segala emansipasi wanita yang kita junjung, masih ada ya negeri kaya Arab yang kaya raya tapi wnita nya ga boleh ngapa2, mungkin kalo wanita terlalu boleh apa2 jadi kaya indo yang agak miskin, ehhehehe...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Awas krismon lagi

diambil dari kompas
Selasa, 25 November 2008 | 19:00 WIB

JAKARTA, SELASA - Krisis ekonomi di tahun 1998 lalu, diyakini akan kembali terulang pada tahun 2009. Gejala-gejalanya sudah ada, akhir tahun akan banyak perusahaan yang menyatakan bangkrut serta nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika yang terus menurun. PHK tak bisa dihindari.

"Perlu diingat, Soeharto jatuh saat rupiah berada di level 16.000 ketika itu. Situasi sekarang memang makin mengkhawatirkan, sama seperti tahun 1998. Gejalanya sudah terasa, PHK sudah mulai dilakukan, pesana-pesanan dari luar negeri sudah berkurang dan tidak bisa mengandalkan pasar di dalam negeri," ujar Ketua Komite Fiskal Kadin, Bambang Susatyo dalam diskusi yang diadakan di DPR, Selasa (25/11).

Kadin, kata Bambang, berharap penuh kepada para pelaku politik yang ada saat ini untuk bisa bersama-sama mencari solusi agar negara bisa keluar dari krisis. Termasuk, mendorong kepada pemerintah terkait rencana menurunkan harga BBM secara signifikan. Rencana pemerintah yang akan menurunkan harga BBM dengan angka Rp 500 masih jauh dari harapan. Harusnya, yang moderat adalah untuk premium penurunannya sebesar Rp 1.500 dan untuk solar Rp 1.000. Ini harus dilakukan dalam upaya untuk menggerakkan daya beli masyarkat yang makin menurun sekarang ini," papar Bambang.

Ia tidak memungkiri bila pemerintah sudah melakukan penurunan terhadap suku bunga. Namun, yang diminta bagi kalangan dunia usaha sebetulnya penurunan bisa sampai 8,5 persen. "Turunnya harusnya secara signifikan. Karena apabila dunia usaha hancur, maka secara politik Pemilu 2009 nanti, tidak akan semarak seperti Pemillu 2004. Para pelaku politik harus sama-sama membangun APBN yang pro rakyat. Kalau ekonomi tak bagus, rakyat akan jadi pragmatis dan suara yang akan diberikan tidak akan realistis lagi," ungkapnya.

Hasto Kristianto, politikus dari PDI Perjuangan mengungkapkan, dalam proses APBN 2008-2009 menjadi penggelembungan ekonomi politik, seakan menjadi politik image saja. Pemerintah mengalami kesulitan bahkan sudah ada rencana untuk mempersiapkan revisi APBN yang sebelumnya belum dilakukan.

"APBN sebagai stimulus fiskal, secara politis gagal. Ini membuat pesimisme kami atas usaha-usaha yang dilakukan pemerintah dalam perbaikan masalah ekonomi. Tidak ada konsistensi kebijakan yang bisa diterapkan oleh pemerintah sekarang ini," ujar Hasto.

Ditinjau dari struktur anggaran, jelasnya, masih sangat bergantung pada ekonomi global, tidak ada keinginan pemerintah melakukan renegoisasi dalam upaya untuk bisa meningkatkan penyerapan tenaga kerja. "Kami mengusulkan defisit di 0 kan saja dulu. Jalan-jalan keluar negeri, tidak usah dulu. Pembangunan yang tidak penting, tak usah dilakukan. Dan kami mengusulkan agar BLT dihapus," kata Hasto.

"Jangan sampai, rakyat di saat kondisi ekonomi yang susah, malah diajarkan menjadi pengemis. Lebih baik dialokasikan untuk padat karya membangun usaha-usaha kecil untuk rakyat," tambah Hasto.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Twin towe

fotonya Twin tower aka Menara petronas..
Konon sih, ni bangunan dirancang oleh seorang arsitektur dari Indonesia, tapi karena ketika mengajukan ke pemerintah dan pemerintah bilang sudah cukup dengan monas, maka akhirnya sang arsitektur menjual maha karyanya ke Malaysian government. Alhasil keajaiban dunia yang dibuat manusia Indonesia jadi milik Malaysia. Bahkan semua pelancong yang ke Malaysia pasti terkagum-kagum ngeliat menara ni, termasuk inay, kagum karena susah banget ngambil gambarnya saking tingginya, hahaha..
anyway, kalau saja banyak orang Indonesia kreatif yang kemudian menjual karyanya di Malaysia, no wonder yah banyak TKI yang lari ke Negeri jiran inil.
nay masih inget kejadian di bandara, mereka rela ninggalin keluarga dan kehidupan di Indo untuk kerja sini, berbekal nekat, banyak loh TKI yang cuma lulus SD tapi penghasilannya 1500RM (4,5 juta) per bulan, di kedai MMU lebih tepatnya. Duh, mo jadi apa Indonesiaku kalo pemerintahnya ga open, bukan cuma pulau, batik dan lagu aja yang bakalan jadi milik malaysia namun sebagian besar warga Indonesia yang sudah pernah tinggal di Malaysia mau untuk menukarkan kewarganegaraannya. DI sini fasilitas yang diberikan memadai, transport, air, pemerintahan, termasuk keamanan..hiks, jadi sedih, walaupun nay sempet berfikir untuk kembali lagi ke negeri jiran bahkan hidup disini..

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's okay to cry

Nay tadi siang kangen banget pengen balik, huhu, menangislah diriku lama dikamar. Seperti ritual tiap habis nangis yang kelelahan pening dan pingin tidur, tiba2 nay mikir kenapa nangis bikin hati lebih lega ya? tapi kok bikin pusing? kenapa boy's don't cry?

Jadi inget lirik lagu..
menangislah...bila harus menangis,
karena kita, semua, manusia..

trus bis searching2 didapatlah bahwa ternyata
1.Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan para ahli di Amerika Serikat menyebutkan, 9 dari 10 orang mengaku merasa lebih lega setelah menangis. Bahkan, para ahli juga percaya kalau menangis bisa menyembuhkan sakit dan meningkatkan kadar hormon adrenalin.

"Menangis adalah pelepasan emosi yang paling tepat saat kita tak bisa mengungkapkannya lewat kata-kata," kata Dr Simon Moore, psikolog dari London Metropolitan University. Menurut Profesor William Frey, ahli tangis dari AS, air mata yang dikeluarkan saat kita sedang emosional mengandung hormon endorphin atau stres sehingga bisa membuat perasaan lebih plong. Menangis juga diketahui bisa menurunkan tekanan darah dan denyut nadi.
2. There was a study done where a control group of 100
people were divided into two. 50 people watched a
very funny, tears-of-laughter type movie. 50 watched
a very sad and tears-of-compassion type movie.

At the end of the sessions researchers collected the
"happy tears" and the "sad tears" with eye droppers.

They found that "happy tears" are made up of
brine...salt water and not a great deal else.

However the "sad tears" were found to contain the
very same chemicals and enzymes that are found in
tumours, ulcers and other such lumps and bumps and
sicknesses through out the body.

This test concluded that the body, when crying in
sadness etc is literally flushing out all of the
toxic-chemicals that accumulate and are a part of the
sadness /heart ache experience.

Therefore if one holds back those tears, those
toxic-waters will find somewhere else to deposit
themselves..... and prolonged lack-of-crying-release
will guarantee that the body will accumulate a huge
amount of internal pollution and toxicity that
should have been released through the

jadi tak apalah untuk menangis ya??

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

People in Japan who are trying to lose weight gather together on internet forums and social networking sites to pick up diet tips and give each other support. Recently on Mixi, one of the most popular social networking sites in Japan, the diet musings of one of the members and the enthusiastic contributions of others in the community coalesced to produce a new and simple diet program that has jumped into the mainstream Japanese media and resulted in three books and many magazine articles. This diet was dubbed the Asa Banana Diet. Japan is known for kaizen, the gradual refinement and improvement of manufacturing and other processes, and the Asa Banana Diet is in effect Japan’s kaizen of a diet classic
Nevertheless, the Morning Banana Diet remains pretty simple. It’s a diet for people who don’t want to bother with a diet, who don’t want to read a book (although there are books on it in Japan), who are basically in control of things but need a little structure. It’s a diet for a Japanese level of overweight, 5 to 35 pounds overweight, perhaps up to 50, not an American Biggest Loser level of obesity, where a more hardcore, but less simple, diet regimen is called for.
They said, it will reduce your weight in 2 weeks...
But again, like any other diet courses, there are several rules. And the banana diet rules are
Eat a banana for breakfast

* You can eat more than one, and in fact the inventor of the diet often ate four (smallish Philippines) bananas in the morning, but don’t stuff yourself to the point of fullness or discomfort.
* Eat only raw, uncooked, unfrozen bananas.
* Other fruit may be substituted.
* If other fruit is substituted, some variants require it be restricted to one type of fruit per meal.
* If you are still hungry 15 or 30 minutes after your banana, you can eat other food (the inventor of the diet sometimes ate a rice ball two and a half hours later, about 200 calories worth; Morning Banana forum members have suggested oatmeal, although it’s not as portable as a rice ball).

Eat normally for lunch and dinner

* Dinner must be eaten by 8 p.m. at the latest (6 p.m. is better).
* There are no explicit limits on the types of food you can eat for lunch and dinner, or the amount. But in practice dieters report on Mixi that they try to cut the amount of rice they eat and find substitutions for fried foods. As with many diets, the mere fact you have decided to go on a diet tends to make you more aware of what and how much you are are eating and how healthy it is. The diet avoids strict food rules to prevent a sense of deprivation.
* However, you should not eat a dessert with dinner or any of your meals; you’ll need to satisfy your sweet tooth during a snack, but we’ll get to that later.
* At all meals you should eat only until you’re satisfied but not full or stuffed. The Japanese have a proverb, Hara hachibu ni isha irazu, “A stomach eight-tenths full needs no doctor.” American dietitians define this level of fullness or satiety as a 7 on a 1-to-10 “hunger scale,” and they teach their clients to recognize this feeling.

Drink only water

* The only beverage allowed at most meals is water, preferably mineral or filtered.
* The water must be at room temperature, not chilled or hot.
* The water should be drunk in small sips and not used to wash down food.
* There is no quota of water to drink, and you should not drink it in excess.
* Outside of meals non-caloric beverages like tea, coffee, and diet soda are generally allowed but somewhat frowned upon, and in general water is encouraged as much as possible; milk products are not considered compatible with the diet.
* On social occasions you may drink beer or wine.

Eat your food mindfully

* Chew your banana and other food thorouoghly and be mindful of its taste.

You may eat an afternoon snack

* A sweet snack of chocolate, cookies, or the like is allowed at about 3 p.m.
* Ice cream, a donut, or potato chips are not recommended.
* Some substitute fresh fruit for their snack, but if you want sweets you should not deny yourself.
* Some Japanese who like salty snacks eat salted konbu (seaweed) snacks and some Japanese who are very hungry in the afternoon substitute a filling, fist-sized rice ball for sweets.
* A good alternative if a salty or more filling snack is needed is popcorn according to Morning Banana forum members, but watch out for excessive fat content.
* If you are hungry after dinner, you may have a second snack of fresh fruit, but this should not be a habit.

Early to bed

* Go to bed by midnight. If you can manage to go to bed earlier, all the better.
* Try to aim for a four-hour period between your last meal or snack and bedtime (which is why 8:00 p.m. is the latest you should eat dinner).

Exercise only if you want to

* Put no pressure on yourself to exercise.
* If you want to exercise, go ahead: the test is to do what puts the least stress on you.
* But try to get some walking in every day if possible (but again, don’t force yourself if it stresses you out).

Keep a diet journal

* Because the Morning Banana Diet was developed on the internet, many successful Japanese dieters naturally documented their daily food intake and progress online via blogs, forums, or social networking services, and they felt this gave them extra support (we have prepared a Morning Banana Diet Forum with individual food blogs for your use).
* Because of the diet’s emphasis on digestive processes, some Morning Banana Diet journalers record a bit “too much information” — so remaining anonymous may be advisable.

Happy Diettt... :)

Tanda yang aneh

Wktu goglng buat cari gambar toilet untuk artikel dibawah, nay menemukan tanda unik..dari Korea, kira2 apa artinya ya??

Monday, November 10, 2008

how to pee in public toilet (girls only)

Nay bener 2 ga menyadari cara simple tapi ampuh ini..
But the best way to still be clean when you are in public toilet is this way...(from the nancy drew movie)

Make sure you got toilet paper, take some, rip one wip it, and take another for protecting your b*tt and the toilet..therefore we shoud not worry with the unhygienic public toilet anymore, hahhaha


While in Day-2 we walk around to Alamanda, we did not really spent much time outside the hostel. We spent day 3 just by staying inside, trying veggie Indian food for lunch and having tom yam soup that is not really good with our new Bangladesh friend, Nausi. Nausi is moslem and she speak really polite just like Javanese in Indonesia. She talk a lot about Bangladesh, how they really look like Indian (she said they used to be together but then India, Pakistan and Bangladesh separated), different taste of food (In India she has more spice for the food than in Bangladesh. Also how actually her campus does not really taking a good care of International students. When the internship times begun, she and her friends have a difficulties to find a place for internships, so she decided to just go overseas to get a new experience. She is staying in Australia and she said Australian really open for new comers and international person. I guess that’s a sign of a developed various country.
And today we should complete everything up. We come to the international commission office, and we have to complete some registration form and it takes lot of time. We are helped by ms Fatimah, she comes from Thailand and she is really nice, she also really stylist just remind me with my English 2 teacher who love to change her clothes style. We should finish everything including the finance and student visa and student card, etc. In the finance department, I do not know why, but they put unspoken English person to serve the international student, its funny. And she was mad at us because we want to get the sign but we have not paid yet (while we shouldn’t since we are and exchange students), she kept saying “kamu sudah paid belum?!!”, wew, we got really scared. They should have also put the staffs who understand English.
We then went to have some lunch with our Germany-Exchange-students, Nina and Anna, they ate chicken Hainan and rice, and they love those types of food chicken and rice. And we met some Indonesian Students that actually one of them is the leader of Indonesian Community Students, and the other one is the leader of International Club community. Indonesian are really popular here, but only some of them staying at the hostel, they choose to live and stay in Siberia, I really wanna be rich and studying abroad with good facilities like them. HHHAAAHHAA.
And last procedure is making the bank account. But we got no problem in it. What makes the atm card different with Indonesian is they do not write our name in the card and when the first time you activated there is no menu but go directly to changing your pin number, that’s good. And after that we went to pray. I love Malaysian Surau, or praying room, they always separated the Muslim and Muslimah surau including the bilik wuduk, therefore we should not worried. And they always have a big surau with a really good design, I have no idea why in Indonesia with most Moslem community do not have big surau everywhere. Like this picture,
is inside the Alamanda surau. They can make the design very beautiful from the bath room floor. Isn’t that great?
Oh ya, in MMU, there are so many big and cool and clean building but we have so little number of student studying here, I do not know if it only happened in first day of school because I did not see people chatting around and have a talk with their friends, so different with Indonesian university.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Malaysia-Day 2

It has been a good day since i woke up early this morning, we didn't really do anything since the network point in our room can not work. We plan to meet mrs Iarita,friends of my teacher. My teacher have some food for her and we arrange the meeting. Ms Iarita seems nice and happy but with the way she does not really talk to us, we are a little bit kind of worry.
Next thing we did was went to the nearest supermarket. We went to the ALAMANDA store, its the nearest that having the carefour and also several provider dealer it also has lots of distro. But some things we notice are the fashion style they purpose to sell to people around are far from for what they use to used. Malaysian wear this kind of properties for girl : tudung, short or long arm clothes and jeans or baju kurung. Different with Indonesian that if they use the jilbab they will use long arm clothes. Another different type of clothes showed by Iranian with long arm clothes but unperfect veil or tudung because they can open it when the party is coming and seen by the boys. I do not really understand whether that is the cultural thing or it just what they used to do as a habbit.
The other thing that i really concern is how the way the government and public sector can really manage the city with very neat architecture and placement of the building. Although when its compared with Indonesian city, Malaysian more calm and no body walking around seems to look like American. I do not sure whether it because only in Cyberjaya or happenned in another Malaysian places. Indonesia has lots of free places but we do not really using it. There are no begger in Malaysia and the bus is so clean. On the way back from Alamanda, i found that the bus is the best transportation if you want to go cheap and do not have your own car. Since the bus is clean and tidy, there is not a big problem for travelling with public transportation so differnet with Indonesia. Busses are the source for polution and also accident, busses are buyd by the privat and run unorganize. Peopledo what they want to do, and eventhough we have the busway it doesnt really taken car by the government.

Last thing i compare is the kindness of people. When me and mbak herpin want to reload our cellphone, the seller does not have any feeling of kind like in Indonesia. In indonesia, the seller is the king they ask and we serve by smilling, giving help, showing but in Malaysia the buyer are the one that need the seller. No wonder Indonesia seems too late to develope probably because the feeling from the people that want to serve better more than selling the thing itself. And in Malaysia when the people knows what other people need they do not really taking care the emphathy sides. Just like American where nobody cares and me for my own.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Malaysian Trip-Day 1

Wew, hari yang melelahkan. Trip ke Malaysia dengan mbak herpin secara Cuma kita b2 aja exchange student yang dikirim.

alam sebelumnya…

Nay memutuskan untuk nonton Quantum of Solace yang ga nyangka begitu menjemukan untuk sebuah film James Bond. Kak Billybong yang biasanya semangat nonton film aja mpe ketiduran. Ntah itu karena si kakak yang kecapean atau memang filmnya yang kurang semangat. Agak berdrama dan kalah jauh dari Wanted nya Angelina Jolie. Quantum of Solace dimana James Bond beraksi lagi sebagai badan intelijen Inggris mencoba mencari tahu ada apa sebenarnya di baik usaha Domiic Greene yang ternyata alih-alih menjadikan dunia lebih baik dengan aksi hijaunya, ia justru mengeringkan sebuah perkampungan sehingga dapat menjual air ke penduduk setempat dan membantu kemenangan seorang calon penguasa Bolivia yang penuh konflik.

Si kakak yang tertidur pun terpaksa bangun karena film sudah habis, dan kita kembali ke kos..Jeng-jeng-jeng-jeng, saatnya packing, wew begitu susahnya kalau punya keinginan selalu ditunda-tunda. Akhirnya dengan bantuan Gita dan Mbak Salma pun Nay semangan mengepak semua barang-barang yang notabene, satu koper 16 kilo Cuma diisi baju semua, hehhheee sangat ga penting. Begitu si koper mau diamankan dengan mengunci gembok bernomor (like a usual polo has it) koperku yang satu ini sudah terbiasa dengan kode 000 nya yang sudah bertahun-tahun tidak diubah, ternyata oh ternyata, ide untuk mengubah kode dengan dalih lebih sulit ditebak orang tidak berjalan dengan baik. Kopernya tiba2 ga bisa dibuka, kuncinya macet, wew….Bingunglah kita…Hem, ternyata kita harus buat ni gembok terbuka dengan mengoprek2, melepas bagian handlenya dan kepalanya disatukan dengan gembok segede gaban, karena ga cukup, ya sudahlah tu gembok diatasi lagi dengan gantungan kunci.

Akhirnya paginya nay setelah dibangunin mama siap-siap, mandi dengan kedinginan dan nelponin si kakak berkali2 tapi ga diangkat. Akhirnya, taksi datang jam setengah 6 kita langsung ke BSM tarik Prima Jasa Bas lalu pegilah kite ke bandara. Selama di perjalanan bukannya menghabiskan dengan kenangan manis, nay ma kakak malah molor, he..Kita tunggu di bandara tu mpe lama kali mbak herpin tak kunjung tiba. Setelah ia datang, kite tunggulah ampek pukul setengah 12 tanpa ada cek2 tiket terlebih dulu ke lion air. Kita say good bye, masuk dan jeng-jeng-jeng ko ndak ada lion air tujuan Malaysia ya??Tanya ke mbaknya rupanya masalah 1 datang, kita salah terminal yang harusnya dari 1a ke 2d jauh kali kan? Pantas aja tak ada awak ni menengok bule di terminal 1a kerna memang penerbangan domestic aje yang ada..Belari2 kita mencari cara pindah terminal, masalah ke dua bus shuttle lama datangnya ya sudahlah terpaksa ambil taksi dan bayar 40 ribu. Sampai di terminal 2d untuk aja ketemu mas2 lion air, ternyata check in nya dah tutup tapi pesawatnya delay jadi masih bisa check in. Masalah selanjutnya datang, tiket kita bertanggal 6 padahal hari ini tanggal 7 kok kita bodoh ya???Ga Tanya dulu atau lihat2 dulu, atau confirm mungkin karena terlalu exciting ya. Lanjutannya, tiket kita tak sesuai jadwal pulangnya harusnya Desember kita maunya Januari, ternyata tanggal yang kita inginkan waktu bulan Januari itu Peak Season alias harga melonjak naik jadi 1,2 juta lebih mahal..Edaaaannn. Mo hidup dengan ape ni awak di Malaysia?

Lalu lanjutnya pun,aku ambil uang dulu kea tm, lah malah mbaknya nyuruh bayar yang kurangnya itu di Malay coba dudunnggggg… Btw, kita akhirnya bisa masuk dengan aman mpe gate nya, luckily lagi, laptop kita tak ada yang dicekal dan harus diperiksa, hepi hepi hepi tidak harus asli lo Windowsnya..Walaupun nay dah make yang Campus Agreement edition. Lanjut ni punye cerite, sesampainya di KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) yang meeegaaah kali, kami tetakjub-takjub, tapi kami pun ingat kami harus ke tuntutan bagasi (baggage reclaim) nah nyari tempatnya tu ternyata jauuuuhhh kali..diikuti ribuan(he aslinya ratusan) TKI Dan TKW si Mbak Rini yang kami kenal di pesawat menuntun jalah dan ternyata salah, untung ga jauh tetep makasih kok Mbak RIni. Kita haru naik Aero Train yang keren abis karena Indonesia tak punya, duh jadi ingak awak ni dengan train orang jerman tu punye untuk anta para passanger, serasa di mono rail. Mbak2 TKI tu pun trus bertanya.

Sesampai nya di baggage reclaim place,kita harus confirm kedatangan dulu, dan lagi2 dengan bantuan Mbak Rini kita ke jalur TKI coba, hahhahhaa…tapi kita pun sadar karena kemudian petugas bandara KL membentak2 Para TKI kita benar2 kaya buruh yang h*na, hiks, tadi sempet sedih. Setelah paham kita salah jalur akhirnya ketemu dengan pak Yim yang menjemput kita dari MMU, si bapak ngetawain kita yang mo ikut2an jadi TKI. Hehehhe

Trus kita diantar lah ke asrama (hostel disini namanya) wuih jauh kali ma asrama IT Telkom, mungkin karena dah lama ya..kita ditempatkan di lantai 5 wuihhh bisa kurus ni aku, trus begitu sampe ruangannya masih kotor belum dipel yang seprai bantal dan selimut ga ada..kita mpe stress mana belum tau mana2 kan. Huhuhu..

Tapi ya sudahlah pengalaman hari pertama benar2 melelahkan, menyedihkan namun penuh makna perjuangan (huik). Besok hari kedua insyaallah kita mo jalan2 isi perlengkapan kamar ni. Met malam..

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Wednesday

Lagi pengen cerita aja nihhh, soal gimana hidup dan sebagainya..
Nay makin hari makin betah tapi juga makin kangen, kangen dengan orang2 indo yang jauh ramah2 dan rame dimana2, yang paling kangen adalah barang murah, hehhee...
Disini dah ngapain aja ya, kuliah sama aja ga ngertinya, wong di indo pake bahasa ndo aja ga ngerti disini lebih lagi, hahaha...hidup dengan orang diberbagai belahan dunia, memakai 3 bahasa setiap harinya (melayu, indonesia dan inggris) jadi kadang kecampur2 hahahha..
contohnya yang diatas, nemuin kejadian lucu setiap harnya, kaya hari ini aja, nay ngebantu temen nay diatas, shamira dan leila buat register dan isi form, scara mereka dari lahir menulis arab yang dari kanan ke kiri, mereka pun bingun spelling dan tulisan walaupun sangat lancar berbicara bahasa inggris.. kok bsa yah? trus belajar bahasa inggrisnya selama ni pake tulisan apa? mereka banyak cerita yang di arab, baru beberapa tahun belakangan aja ada yang namanya rights for women to have jobs and also driving lisence, isn't that amazing..kebayang dengan indonesia yang bahkan wanita pun bisa jadi tukang becak, tukang tambal ban (yang nota bene kerjaan laki2) di arab ke mall aja ga boleh untuk wanita sendirian, wuihhh, ga ada acara shopping untuk menghilangkan penat dunk. Trus katanya restorannya pun, selalu dipisah, macam laki duduk di ruang mereka ada punya, perempuannya pun macem tu, begitu pula dengan keluarga..duh ribettt...
Ternyata dari segala emansipasi wanita yang kita junjung, masih ada ya negeri kaya Arab yang kaya raya tapi wnita nya ga boleh ngapa2, mungkin kalo wanita terlalu boleh apa2 jadi kaya indo yang agak miskin, ehhehehe...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Awas krismon lagi

diambil dari kompas
Selasa, 25 November 2008 | 19:00 WIB

JAKARTA, SELASA - Krisis ekonomi di tahun 1998 lalu, diyakini akan kembali terulang pada tahun 2009. Gejala-gejalanya sudah ada, akhir tahun akan banyak perusahaan yang menyatakan bangkrut serta nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika yang terus menurun. PHK tak bisa dihindari.

"Perlu diingat, Soeharto jatuh saat rupiah berada di level 16.000 ketika itu. Situasi sekarang memang makin mengkhawatirkan, sama seperti tahun 1998. Gejalanya sudah terasa, PHK sudah mulai dilakukan, pesana-pesanan dari luar negeri sudah berkurang dan tidak bisa mengandalkan pasar di dalam negeri," ujar Ketua Komite Fiskal Kadin, Bambang Susatyo dalam diskusi yang diadakan di DPR, Selasa (25/11).

Kadin, kata Bambang, berharap penuh kepada para pelaku politik yang ada saat ini untuk bisa bersama-sama mencari solusi agar negara bisa keluar dari krisis. Termasuk, mendorong kepada pemerintah terkait rencana menurunkan harga BBM secara signifikan. Rencana pemerintah yang akan menurunkan harga BBM dengan angka Rp 500 masih jauh dari harapan. Harusnya, yang moderat adalah untuk premium penurunannya sebesar Rp 1.500 dan untuk solar Rp 1.000. Ini harus dilakukan dalam upaya untuk menggerakkan daya beli masyarkat yang makin menurun sekarang ini," papar Bambang.

Ia tidak memungkiri bila pemerintah sudah melakukan penurunan terhadap suku bunga. Namun, yang diminta bagi kalangan dunia usaha sebetulnya penurunan bisa sampai 8,5 persen. "Turunnya harusnya secara signifikan. Karena apabila dunia usaha hancur, maka secara politik Pemilu 2009 nanti, tidak akan semarak seperti Pemillu 2004. Para pelaku politik harus sama-sama membangun APBN yang pro rakyat. Kalau ekonomi tak bagus, rakyat akan jadi pragmatis dan suara yang akan diberikan tidak akan realistis lagi," ungkapnya.

Hasto Kristianto, politikus dari PDI Perjuangan mengungkapkan, dalam proses APBN 2008-2009 menjadi penggelembungan ekonomi politik, seakan menjadi politik image saja. Pemerintah mengalami kesulitan bahkan sudah ada rencana untuk mempersiapkan revisi APBN yang sebelumnya belum dilakukan.

"APBN sebagai stimulus fiskal, secara politis gagal. Ini membuat pesimisme kami atas usaha-usaha yang dilakukan pemerintah dalam perbaikan masalah ekonomi. Tidak ada konsistensi kebijakan yang bisa diterapkan oleh pemerintah sekarang ini," ujar Hasto.

Ditinjau dari struktur anggaran, jelasnya, masih sangat bergantung pada ekonomi global, tidak ada keinginan pemerintah melakukan renegoisasi dalam upaya untuk bisa meningkatkan penyerapan tenaga kerja. "Kami mengusulkan defisit di 0 kan saja dulu. Jalan-jalan keluar negeri, tidak usah dulu. Pembangunan yang tidak penting, tak usah dilakukan. Dan kami mengusulkan agar BLT dihapus," kata Hasto.

"Jangan sampai, rakyat di saat kondisi ekonomi yang susah, malah diajarkan menjadi pengemis. Lebih baik dialokasikan untuk padat karya membangun usaha-usaha kecil untuk rakyat," tambah Hasto.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Twin towe

fotonya Twin tower aka Menara petronas..
Konon sih, ni bangunan dirancang oleh seorang arsitektur dari Indonesia, tapi karena ketika mengajukan ke pemerintah dan pemerintah bilang sudah cukup dengan monas, maka akhirnya sang arsitektur menjual maha karyanya ke Malaysian government. Alhasil keajaiban dunia yang dibuat manusia Indonesia jadi milik Malaysia. Bahkan semua pelancong yang ke Malaysia pasti terkagum-kagum ngeliat menara ni, termasuk inay, kagum karena susah banget ngambil gambarnya saking tingginya, hahaha..
anyway, kalau saja banyak orang Indonesia kreatif yang kemudian menjual karyanya di Malaysia, no wonder yah banyak TKI yang lari ke Negeri jiran inil.
nay masih inget kejadian di bandara, mereka rela ninggalin keluarga dan kehidupan di Indo untuk kerja sini, berbekal nekat, banyak loh TKI yang cuma lulus SD tapi penghasilannya 1500RM (4,5 juta) per bulan, di kedai MMU lebih tepatnya. Duh, mo jadi apa Indonesiaku kalo pemerintahnya ga open, bukan cuma pulau, batik dan lagu aja yang bakalan jadi milik malaysia namun sebagian besar warga Indonesia yang sudah pernah tinggal di Malaysia mau untuk menukarkan kewarganegaraannya. DI sini fasilitas yang diberikan memadai, transport, air, pemerintahan, termasuk keamanan..hiks, jadi sedih, walaupun nay sempet berfikir untuk kembali lagi ke negeri jiran bahkan hidup disini..

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's okay to cry

Nay tadi siang kangen banget pengen balik, huhu, menangislah diriku lama dikamar. Seperti ritual tiap habis nangis yang kelelahan pening dan pingin tidur, tiba2 nay mikir kenapa nangis bikin hati lebih lega ya? tapi kok bikin pusing? kenapa boy's don't cry?

Jadi inget lirik lagu..
menangislah...bila harus menangis,
karena kita, semua, manusia..

trus bis searching2 didapatlah bahwa ternyata
1.Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan para ahli di Amerika Serikat menyebutkan, 9 dari 10 orang mengaku merasa lebih lega setelah menangis. Bahkan, para ahli juga percaya kalau menangis bisa menyembuhkan sakit dan meningkatkan kadar hormon adrenalin.

"Menangis adalah pelepasan emosi yang paling tepat saat kita tak bisa mengungkapkannya lewat kata-kata," kata Dr Simon Moore, psikolog dari London Metropolitan University. Menurut Profesor William Frey, ahli tangis dari AS, air mata yang dikeluarkan saat kita sedang emosional mengandung hormon endorphin atau stres sehingga bisa membuat perasaan lebih plong. Menangis juga diketahui bisa menurunkan tekanan darah dan denyut nadi.
2. There was a study done where a control group of 100
people were divided into two. 50 people watched a
very funny, tears-of-laughter type movie. 50 watched
a very sad and tears-of-compassion type movie.

At the end of the sessions researchers collected the
"happy tears" and the "sad tears" with eye droppers.

They found that "happy tears" are made up of
brine...salt water and not a great deal else.

However the "sad tears" were found to contain the
very same chemicals and enzymes that are found in
tumours, ulcers and other such lumps and bumps and
sicknesses through out the body.

This test concluded that the body, when crying in
sadness etc is literally flushing out all of the
toxic-chemicals that accumulate and are a part of the
sadness /heart ache experience.

Therefore if one holds back those tears, those
toxic-waters will find somewhere else to deposit
themselves..... and prolonged lack-of-crying-release
will guarantee that the body will accumulate a huge
amount of internal pollution and toxicity that
should have been released through the

jadi tak apalah untuk menangis ya??

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

People in Japan who are trying to lose weight gather together on internet forums and social networking sites to pick up diet tips and give each other support. Recently on Mixi, one of the most popular social networking sites in Japan, the diet musings of one of the members and the enthusiastic contributions of others in the community coalesced to produce a new and simple diet program that has jumped into the mainstream Japanese media and resulted in three books and many magazine articles. This diet was dubbed the Asa Banana Diet. Japan is known for kaizen, the gradual refinement and improvement of manufacturing and other processes, and the Asa Banana Diet is in effect Japan’s kaizen of a diet classic
Nevertheless, the Morning Banana Diet remains pretty simple. It’s a diet for people who don’t want to bother with a diet, who don’t want to read a book (although there are books on it in Japan), who are basically in control of things but need a little structure. It’s a diet for a Japanese level of overweight, 5 to 35 pounds overweight, perhaps up to 50, not an American Biggest Loser level of obesity, where a more hardcore, but less simple, diet regimen is called for.
They said, it will reduce your weight in 2 weeks...
But again, like any other diet courses, there are several rules. And the banana diet rules are
Eat a banana for breakfast

* You can eat more than one, and in fact the inventor of the diet often ate four (smallish Philippines) bananas in the morning, but don’t stuff yourself to the point of fullness or discomfort.
* Eat only raw, uncooked, unfrozen bananas.
* Other fruit may be substituted.
* If other fruit is substituted, some variants require it be restricted to one type of fruit per meal.
* If you are still hungry 15 or 30 minutes after your banana, you can eat other food (the inventor of the diet sometimes ate a rice ball two and a half hours later, about 200 calories worth; Morning Banana forum members have suggested oatmeal, although it’s not as portable as a rice ball).

Eat normally for lunch and dinner

* Dinner must be eaten by 8 p.m. at the latest (6 p.m. is better).
* There are no explicit limits on the types of food you can eat for lunch and dinner, or the amount. But in practice dieters report on Mixi that they try to cut the amount of rice they eat and find substitutions for fried foods. As with many diets, the mere fact you have decided to go on a diet tends to make you more aware of what and how much you are are eating and how healthy it is. The diet avoids strict food rules to prevent a sense of deprivation.
* However, you should not eat a dessert with dinner or any of your meals; you’ll need to satisfy your sweet tooth during a snack, but we’ll get to that later.
* At all meals you should eat only until you’re satisfied but not full or stuffed. The Japanese have a proverb, Hara hachibu ni isha irazu, “A stomach eight-tenths full needs no doctor.” American dietitians define this level of fullness or satiety as a 7 on a 1-to-10 “hunger scale,” and they teach their clients to recognize this feeling.

Drink only water

* The only beverage allowed at most meals is water, preferably mineral or filtered.
* The water must be at room temperature, not chilled or hot.
* The water should be drunk in small sips and not used to wash down food.
* There is no quota of water to drink, and you should not drink it in excess.
* Outside of meals non-caloric beverages like tea, coffee, and diet soda are generally allowed but somewhat frowned upon, and in general water is encouraged as much as possible; milk products are not considered compatible with the diet.
* On social occasions you may drink beer or wine.

Eat your food mindfully

* Chew your banana and other food thorouoghly and be mindful of its taste.

You may eat an afternoon snack

* A sweet snack of chocolate, cookies, or the like is allowed at about 3 p.m.
* Ice cream, a donut, or potato chips are not recommended.
* Some substitute fresh fruit for their snack, but if you want sweets you should not deny yourself.
* Some Japanese who like salty snacks eat salted konbu (seaweed) snacks and some Japanese who are very hungry in the afternoon substitute a filling, fist-sized rice ball for sweets.
* A good alternative if a salty or more filling snack is needed is popcorn according to Morning Banana forum members, but watch out for excessive fat content.
* If you are hungry after dinner, you may have a second snack of fresh fruit, but this should not be a habit.

Early to bed

* Go to bed by midnight. If you can manage to go to bed earlier, all the better.
* Try to aim for a four-hour period between your last meal or snack and bedtime (which is why 8:00 p.m. is the latest you should eat dinner).

Exercise only if you want to

* Put no pressure on yourself to exercise.
* If you want to exercise, go ahead: the test is to do what puts the least stress on you.
* But try to get some walking in every day if possible (but again, don’t force yourself if it stresses you out).

Keep a diet journal

* Because the Morning Banana Diet was developed on the internet, many successful Japanese dieters naturally documented their daily food intake and progress online via blogs, forums, or social networking services, and they felt this gave them extra support (we have prepared a Morning Banana Diet Forum with individual food blogs for your use).
* Because of the diet’s emphasis on digestive processes, some Morning Banana Diet journalers record a bit “too much information” — so remaining anonymous may be advisable.

Happy Diettt... :)

Tanda yang aneh

Wktu goglng buat cari gambar toilet untuk artikel dibawah, nay menemukan tanda unik..dari Korea, kira2 apa artinya ya??

Monday, November 10, 2008

how to pee in public toilet (girls only)

Nay bener 2 ga menyadari cara simple tapi ampuh ini..
But the best way to still be clean when you are in public toilet is this way...(from the nancy drew movie)

Make sure you got toilet paper, take some, rip one wip it, and take another for protecting your b*tt and the toilet..therefore we shoud not worry with the unhygienic public toilet anymore, hahhaha


While in Day-2 we walk around to Alamanda, we did not really spent much time outside the hostel. We spent day 3 just by staying inside, trying veggie Indian food for lunch and having tom yam soup that is not really good with our new Bangladesh friend, Nausi. Nausi is moslem and she speak really polite just like Javanese in Indonesia. She talk a lot about Bangladesh, how they really look like Indian (she said they used to be together but then India, Pakistan and Bangladesh separated), different taste of food (In India she has more spice for the food than in Bangladesh. Also how actually her campus does not really taking a good care of International students. When the internship times begun, she and her friends have a difficulties to find a place for internships, so she decided to just go overseas to get a new experience. She is staying in Australia and she said Australian really open for new comers and international person. I guess that’s a sign of a developed various country.
And today we should complete everything up. We come to the international commission office, and we have to complete some registration form and it takes lot of time. We are helped by ms Fatimah, she comes from Thailand and she is really nice, she also really stylist just remind me with my English 2 teacher who love to change her clothes style. We should finish everything including the finance and student visa and student card, etc. In the finance department, I do not know why, but they put unspoken English person to serve the international student, its funny. And she was mad at us because we want to get the sign but we have not paid yet (while we shouldn’t since we are and exchange students), she kept saying “kamu sudah paid belum?!!”, wew, we got really scared. They should have also put the staffs who understand English.
We then went to have some lunch with our Germany-Exchange-students, Nina and Anna, they ate chicken Hainan and rice, and they love those types of food chicken and rice. And we met some Indonesian Students that actually one of them is the leader of Indonesian Community Students, and the other one is the leader of International Club community. Indonesian are really popular here, but only some of them staying at the hostel, they choose to live and stay in Siberia, I really wanna be rich and studying abroad with good facilities like them. HHHAAAHHAA.
And last procedure is making the bank account. But we got no problem in it. What makes the atm card different with Indonesian is they do not write our name in the card and when the first time you activated there is no menu but go directly to changing your pin number, that’s good. And after that we went to pray. I love Malaysian Surau, or praying room, they always separated the Muslim and Muslimah surau including the bilik wuduk, therefore we should not worried. And they always have a big surau with a really good design, I have no idea why in Indonesia with most Moslem community do not have big surau everywhere. Like this picture,
is inside the Alamanda surau. They can make the design very beautiful from the bath room floor. Isn’t that great?
Oh ya, in MMU, there are so many big and cool and clean building but we have so little number of student studying here, I do not know if it only happened in first day of school because I did not see people chatting around and have a talk with their friends, so different with Indonesian university.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Malaysia-Day 2

It has been a good day since i woke up early this morning, we didn't really do anything since the network point in our room can not work. We plan to meet mrs Iarita,friends of my teacher. My teacher have some food for her and we arrange the meeting. Ms Iarita seems nice and happy but with the way she does not really talk to us, we are a little bit kind of worry.
Next thing we did was went to the nearest supermarket. We went to the ALAMANDA store, its the nearest that having the carefour and also several provider dealer it also has lots of distro. But some things we notice are the fashion style they purpose to sell to people around are far from for what they use to used. Malaysian wear this kind of properties for girl : tudung, short or long arm clothes and jeans or baju kurung. Different with Indonesian that if they use the jilbab they will use long arm clothes. Another different type of clothes showed by Iranian with long arm clothes but unperfect veil or tudung because they can open it when the party is coming and seen by the boys. I do not really understand whether that is the cultural thing or it just what they used to do as a habbit.
The other thing that i really concern is how the way the government and public sector can really manage the city with very neat architecture and placement of the building. Although when its compared with Indonesian city, Malaysian more calm and no body walking around seems to look like American. I do not sure whether it because only in Cyberjaya or happenned in another Malaysian places. Indonesia has lots of free places but we do not really using it. There are no begger in Malaysia and the bus is so clean. On the way back from Alamanda, i found that the bus is the best transportation if you want to go cheap and do not have your own car. Since the bus is clean and tidy, there is not a big problem for travelling with public transportation so differnet with Indonesia. Busses are the source for polution and also accident, busses are buyd by the privat and run unorganize. Peopledo what they want to do, and eventhough we have the busway it doesnt really taken car by the government.

Last thing i compare is the kindness of people. When me and mbak herpin want to reload our cellphone, the seller does not have any feeling of kind like in Indonesia. In indonesia, the seller is the king they ask and we serve by smilling, giving help, showing but in Malaysia the buyer are the one that need the seller. No wonder Indonesia seems too late to develope probably because the feeling from the people that want to serve better more than selling the thing itself. And in Malaysia when the people knows what other people need they do not really taking care the emphathy sides. Just like American where nobody cares and me for my own.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Malaysian Trip-Day 1

Wew, hari yang melelahkan. Trip ke Malaysia dengan mbak herpin secara Cuma kita b2 aja exchange student yang dikirim.

alam sebelumnya…

Nay memutuskan untuk nonton Quantum of Solace yang ga nyangka begitu menjemukan untuk sebuah film James Bond. Kak Billybong yang biasanya semangat nonton film aja mpe ketiduran. Ntah itu karena si kakak yang kecapean atau memang filmnya yang kurang semangat. Agak berdrama dan kalah jauh dari Wanted nya Angelina Jolie. Quantum of Solace dimana James Bond beraksi lagi sebagai badan intelijen Inggris mencoba mencari tahu ada apa sebenarnya di baik usaha Domiic Greene yang ternyata alih-alih menjadikan dunia lebih baik dengan aksi hijaunya, ia justru mengeringkan sebuah perkampungan sehingga dapat menjual air ke penduduk setempat dan membantu kemenangan seorang calon penguasa Bolivia yang penuh konflik.

Si kakak yang tertidur pun terpaksa bangun karena film sudah habis, dan kita kembali ke kos..Jeng-jeng-jeng-jeng, saatnya packing, wew begitu susahnya kalau punya keinginan selalu ditunda-tunda. Akhirnya dengan bantuan Gita dan Mbak Salma pun Nay semangan mengepak semua barang-barang yang notabene, satu koper 16 kilo Cuma diisi baju semua, hehhheee sangat ga penting. Begitu si koper mau diamankan dengan mengunci gembok bernomor (like a usual polo has it) koperku yang satu ini sudah terbiasa dengan kode 000 nya yang sudah bertahun-tahun tidak diubah, ternyata oh ternyata, ide untuk mengubah kode dengan dalih lebih sulit ditebak orang tidak berjalan dengan baik. Kopernya tiba2 ga bisa dibuka, kuncinya macet, wew….Bingunglah kita…Hem, ternyata kita harus buat ni gembok terbuka dengan mengoprek2, melepas bagian handlenya dan kepalanya disatukan dengan gembok segede gaban, karena ga cukup, ya sudahlah tu gembok diatasi lagi dengan gantungan kunci.

Akhirnya paginya nay setelah dibangunin mama siap-siap, mandi dengan kedinginan dan nelponin si kakak berkali2 tapi ga diangkat. Akhirnya, taksi datang jam setengah 6 kita langsung ke BSM tarik Prima Jasa Bas lalu pegilah kite ke bandara. Selama di perjalanan bukannya menghabiskan dengan kenangan manis, nay ma kakak malah molor, he..Kita tunggu di bandara tu mpe lama kali mbak herpin tak kunjung tiba. Setelah ia datang, kite tunggulah ampek pukul setengah 12 tanpa ada cek2 tiket terlebih dulu ke lion air. Kita say good bye, masuk dan jeng-jeng-jeng ko ndak ada lion air tujuan Malaysia ya??Tanya ke mbaknya rupanya masalah 1 datang, kita salah terminal yang harusnya dari 1a ke 2d jauh kali kan? Pantas aja tak ada awak ni menengok bule di terminal 1a kerna memang penerbangan domestic aje yang ada..Belari2 kita mencari cara pindah terminal, masalah ke dua bus shuttle lama datangnya ya sudahlah terpaksa ambil taksi dan bayar 40 ribu. Sampai di terminal 2d untuk aja ketemu mas2 lion air, ternyata check in nya dah tutup tapi pesawatnya delay jadi masih bisa check in. Masalah selanjutnya datang, tiket kita bertanggal 6 padahal hari ini tanggal 7 kok kita bodoh ya???Ga Tanya dulu atau lihat2 dulu, atau confirm mungkin karena terlalu exciting ya. Lanjutannya, tiket kita tak sesuai jadwal pulangnya harusnya Desember kita maunya Januari, ternyata tanggal yang kita inginkan waktu bulan Januari itu Peak Season alias harga melonjak naik jadi 1,2 juta lebih mahal..Edaaaannn. Mo hidup dengan ape ni awak di Malaysia?

Lalu lanjutnya pun,aku ambil uang dulu kea tm, lah malah mbaknya nyuruh bayar yang kurangnya itu di Malay coba dudunnggggg… Btw, kita akhirnya bisa masuk dengan aman mpe gate nya, luckily lagi, laptop kita tak ada yang dicekal dan harus diperiksa, hepi hepi hepi tidak harus asli lo Windowsnya..Walaupun nay dah make yang Campus Agreement edition. Lanjut ni punye cerite, sesampainya di KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) yang meeegaaah kali, kami tetakjub-takjub, tapi kami pun ingat kami harus ke tuntutan bagasi (baggage reclaim) nah nyari tempatnya tu ternyata jauuuuhhh kali..diikuti ribuan(he aslinya ratusan) TKI Dan TKW si Mbak Rini yang kami kenal di pesawat menuntun jalah dan ternyata salah, untung ga jauh tetep makasih kok Mbak RIni. Kita haru naik Aero Train yang keren abis karena Indonesia tak punya, duh jadi ingak awak ni dengan train orang jerman tu punye untuk anta para passanger, serasa di mono rail. Mbak2 TKI tu pun trus bertanya.

Sesampai nya di baggage reclaim place,kita harus confirm kedatangan dulu, dan lagi2 dengan bantuan Mbak Rini kita ke jalur TKI coba, hahhahhaa…tapi kita pun sadar karena kemudian petugas bandara KL membentak2 Para TKI kita benar2 kaya buruh yang h*na, hiks, tadi sempet sedih. Setelah paham kita salah jalur akhirnya ketemu dengan pak Yim yang menjemput kita dari MMU, si bapak ngetawain kita yang mo ikut2an jadi TKI. Hehehhe

Trus kita diantar lah ke asrama (hostel disini namanya) wuih jauh kali ma asrama IT Telkom, mungkin karena dah lama ya..kita ditempatkan di lantai 5 wuihhh bisa kurus ni aku, trus begitu sampe ruangannya masih kotor belum dipel yang seprai bantal dan selimut ga ada..kita mpe stress mana belum tau mana2 kan. Huhuhu..

Tapi ya sudahlah pengalaman hari pertama benar2 melelahkan, menyedihkan namun penuh makna perjuangan (huik). Besok hari kedua insyaallah kita mo jalan2 isi perlengkapan kamar ni. Met malam..